Monday, September 17, 2007

Denied Again! Back to the Prayer Room

About two weeks ago I was officially denied again by the Brazilian Government...the third time for those of who keeping score. This time the denial was for expired documents (although those exact papers worked for the lady applying at the same time as me), and because they want to see more substantial documentation of my youth experience credentials such as a teaching degree (never before was this stated as a recommendation or requirement).
So this may take some time to provide such documentation. I am currently working on getting my substitute teaching license, as well as other recommendation letters and child related professional certificates. The most important thing for me right now is be covered in prayer by all of you. At times it has been a struggle to get ready to go, and then let down again. Its been an emotional struggle and a spiritual battle that I have and will continue to need a lot of prayer for. I am still confident that the Lord is leading me to Brazil, and that this is His perfect plan and timing.
So I will continue to prepare myself without knowing when I will get to GO, but I need to be filled by the Lord with strength, endurance, peace, joy, and love. Pray that I will continue to keep my eyes fixed on Him in these hard times of uncertainty, and depend on Him to be my everything. Pray for me please!
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