Thursday, May 24, 2007

Photography -N- Paparazzi

Well after my last experience with a camera, being the paparazzi with my buddy josh, Chad let me have a more controlled environment and I took his engagement photos. Here's some pictures of both.

The past few years I've dabbled with photography in my various ministries. And I think its so cool how pictures identify stories, and how they tug at our heart strings on a different level than words. So until I leave for Brazil, I will be bringing you pictures of some of the kids I've worked with here in the twin cities, along with their stories and how you can pray for them. When I'm in Brazil, I will bring you stories of the kids there. So come back periodically to learn and pray for these kids.

1 comment:

Ben and Sarah said...

Can't wait to see more pictures and hear more stories!

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