Saturday, November 22, 2008

Teaching Update

Mr. T has always been a heroic figure of my childhood, clad with big muscles, machine guns, a mohawk, and gold chains (lots of them). Now, I am Mr. T minus all of the above. Passed is the generation of children that grew up watching Mr. T riding in a sweet van with his friends, shooting up bad guys and speaking nonsense. At Sheridan K-8 school, in Northeast Minneapolis, Mr. T is now the substitute teacher that is always there, yet few people know exactly what he does... including Mr. T much of the time. I have been given so many different assignments as the unofficial "building sub", from rowdy 2nd graders to "too cool for school" 8th graders, that sometimes I have felt that I am just roaming. As of November 14th, I have been assigned to a room of 9 EBD boys as the lead teacher, and it looks as though I will be there until Christmas break. It has been quite the learning experience, trying to maintain a calm, structured learning environment for all these boys with extreme behavioral issues. I'm really enjoying these boys but if any of them act up, I'll just have to trust my newly acquired Mr. T insticts.

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