Friday, November 20, 2009

Not All is Gloomy

After I wrote the post yesterday, I decided that I need to make it clear that there is positive things we are seeing.  We are seeing kids find joy in Christ, and lives transformed.  Here is a movie that depicts some of the smiles we have been blessed by in our ministry.  Enjoy!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Grim State of One Favela

As we did our home visits in one favela (slum) this week, we came across some horrible situations.  This is not pretty, and I will try and use innocent enough language, but I do not suggest that any children read this.  The truth needs to be known, and specific prayers are needed to come against the darkness that we encountered today.  

Some of the teens that had been coming to the past few events were the subjects of a police manhunt one afternoon this week.  They allegedly stole a motorcycle last week, and most likely at gunpoint.  They were not found as they hid until dark inside the favela.  It is much too dangerous for the police to enter a favela after nightfall.  While this breaks our heart, we are preparing to receive them in grace and yet somehow express our disappointment with their actions.  Only a few weeks ago, we saw a whole group of them raise their hands for prayer at the end of the message.  Please pray for wisdom for us in this situation, we dont know who exactly is responsible and what exactly happened, and we really dont want to assume.  But we dont want to be blind and naive from the truth either.  The most important thing is that we continue to show Christ's love for them as people and come alongside of them on a road of transformation in Christ.

This week I met a family of seven kids.  Five are living happy childhoods it seems, but one is still crawling, not talking, and wearing diapers at 5 years old.  Her 12-year old brother will be celebrating his 13th tomorrow strung out on drugs.  He told me with glazed over eyes and a smug smile that he's been using since he was 11.  I got to pray for this young guy, but I can only hope that the Lord translated for his heart to hear, and that the Lord will continue to give me a chance to minister to this young guy.  

The ugliest thing we encountered was the information that one house is basically acting as a brothel for 4, 5 and 6 year old girl and boys.  Adults are just being entertained as they lure the kids in to do the unthinkable.  I'm sorry that is so horrible to hear and to read, but it is the truth.  Please pray that Lord will break the hearts of these people and they will repent.  Please pray that the Lord will restore these poor children, who know not what they do.  

The Lord has always been in the business of making things new.  Restoring, Redeeming, and Renewing is a constant theme in the Word.  Please pray that this community will experience a radical renewal as they see the glory of God, and no longer can deny their maker's love.  Pray that we can be the beacons of light into this dark place, and demonstrate God's love, God's peace, and God's grace for these people. Pray that we will not see these people for what they do, but for who they are, creations of our Lord, We have HOPE that Christ will one day reign in this favela.  

Monday, November 09, 2009

Get to Know 'Em

I just want to introduce to you my team that I work with everyday.  These are not all the staff and volunteers of the church, rather this is the Restoration Ministries "Agita" Team.  The team that runs the VBS program in the slums every day of the week.  Please take some time, read the blurbs about each and then pray for them.  There is a lot of things trying to get in the way of our ministry, so we just need you to be praying for strength, encouragement, perseverance, energy, and love.  That we may be able to serve as one unit to impact the favelas for Christ.  Pray that we will be a light in the darkness, the voice of God, and the vessels in which the Lord brings His love, His peace, and His hope to the children and families in the favelas.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Now In Heaven

Almost a month ago, we celebrated Children's Day.  I wrote about a 5-year old girl, Raphaelly, who was battling a rare type of leukemia.  She is the niece of one of my bosses, Tati, and the granddaughter of a lady that I work with everyday in the field, Adesia and her husband Carlinhos, an elder in the church.
Today, just as we were about to start our second session of "Agita" (like VBS), a friend of Adesia's came and let her know that Rapha was now with Jesus.  From what I understand, she was sent back to the ICU with water in her lungs on Friday, and today after her courageous fight, the Lord called her home.
Here's an excerpt from my journal today recalling the only time I met her, at the Children's Day Fiesta:
I only met her once, but that was plenty for her to make a lasting impression.  Her entrance was as grand as her smile as she clutched her grandmother's hand and walked down the aisle.  Lined with balloons, flowers, and people crying as they cheered her on, it was as if the aisle was just made for her.  In the few hours she was there, you'd be hard-pressed to find her without her glowing smile brightening the room, even peeking out of her pacifier at times.  Ear to ear her smile shouted joy that only Christ could give.  Amidst her years of suffering and crying, she understood that this was her day, given by God himself, and she took full advantage.
She will never see another children's day, but we are the one's that are losing out, because today she is rejoicing with the angels.  No more suffering, no more tears, no more pain.  She is seeing Jesus face to face, and she now knows the joy and the peace and the love we all long for.  Rest In Peace Raphaelly, we cant wait to see that beautiful smile again.
Please be praying for her family, she was her grandparents only granddaughter, her aunt's only niece, and her parents only child.

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