Monday, November 09, 2009

Get to Know 'Em

I just want to introduce to you my team that I work with everyday.  These are not all the staff and volunteers of the church, rather this is the Restoration Ministries "Agita" Team.  The team that runs the VBS program in the slums every day of the week.  Please take some time, read the blurbs about each and then pray for them.  There is a lot of things trying to get in the way of our ministry, so we just need you to be praying for strength, encouragement, perseverance, energy, and love.  That we may be able to serve as one unit to impact the favelas for Christ.  Pray that we will be a light in the darkness, the voice of God, and the vessels in which the Lord brings His love, His peace, and His hope to the children and families in the favelas.

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