Thursday, December 24, 2009

Feliz Natal!

My quarterly newsletter/ Christmas letter is out, get it while its hot!


Rachel said...

merry christmas! we are missing you very much.

I tried to click on the link, but it didn't work.

love to you!

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas Steve,

Its nice hearing from you and seeing the pictures. I pray God would heal your body, guide you as you minister, and give you peace as you accomplish the mission he has sent you for. The Sanctuary Boys Basketball team is pretty good this year again. We have two new coaches along with Dez and myself, as well as a few new players. So far the team went 2-1 in preseason games.

Tiffany F. said...

Merry Christmas Steve!

I enjoyed reading your letter. You will have many people praying for your ministry, your health, and your encouragement. I love (not necessarily in the moment) how God uses what seems to be inconvenient and at times impossible to reveal his strength. It serves as inarguable reminders of how weak we are without his guidance, support, and strength. Steve, you will do great things there because of your reliance on God and the maturity he has brought you. I praise him for this.

Also, I praise him that at least one of us doesn't have to shovel 6 inches off their car...twice within a day :P Enjoy the warmth and your visit with Kristy. I'm happy for you that you get to see her during this time. Happy New Years to you both!

Love ya!

Tiffany F

Phippen said...

Hey Steven,
I just wanted to let you know that there are many people who are praying for you here in New York at the Phippen household. It's great to read how about God is using you, and if you have any specific prayer requests be sure to let us know.
The Phippen Clan

Phippen said...

P.S. Merry Christmas!!

Linz said...

Merry Christmas, Steve! I hope that you have a wonderful day, even without snow. We don't have any here in Detroit either (it's been raining all day!)
It is a blessing to read about your ministry. Thank you for all your hard work.

Thinking of you
~The Gibbs

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas Steven! We miss you. We have recently put Yuri in our is he doing? Kristy is SO excited to get down there and give you a huge hug...hold on!!! Thanks for all you do for oh so many of God's children and thank you for the joy you bring to Kristy!!!!
Big Hugs,
Deb and Pat

Erika said...

Merry Christmas, Steve!! I'm praying for you!!

Unknown said...

Steve, we're praying for you! It's encouraging to hear how you are being used for God.

Jeanne said...

Steve, Congrats to you & Kristy! It is so awesome to see how God is using you to reach the children in Brazil. What a great opportunity to share the love of Jesus with those little ones. Keep up the good work. You are in my thoughts & prayers. GOD BLESS YOU! Take care! Jeanne

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! What a romantic! May God bless your year ahead...Fred and Judy

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