Thursday, December 03, 2009

Police Brutality!

We all remember the Rodney King beating, and the aftermath.  4 police officers, 1 man.  Swinging clubs over and over while the man finally cowered on the ground.  Now imagine that man, being an undersized boy that turned 13 two weeks ago.  Now imagine the police using stun guns, sending high voltage of electric shock through the boys rib cages, numerous times.  Sadly, this is the reality for the boy that I had spoke of in a previous post.  The boy that has been strung out on drugs since he was 11, skimming off the top while delivering drugs.  He is not innocent in this situation, as the police found him at 2 a.m. in a different favela about an hour walk away from his home.  There is no question he was getting into trouble, but there is no reason on this earth for the police to beat a child.

I had a chance to see him last week randomly on the street.  My co-workers were getting a ice cream treat, and as I remembered he had his birthday the previous week, I ordered him a treat.  I believe that this was a God-arranged appointment to see him wandering the streets away from his favela.

This week during our home visits, it was a much more somber encounter.  Even after 4 days of recovery, he was in bad shape.  We walked in and he was curled up on the couch, his hand wrapped in a bandage and his face black and blue.  The doctors told his mom that he almost died from the electric shock in combination with the numerous blows to the head.  His mom told us his forehead was swollen like bananas were tucked into his skin, and one eye was swollen shut.  Glory to God, he survived and he is recovering nicely.  The best part is that he told his mom he wants to get help for his drug addiction and change his life around.  The recovery center is a Christian center, but is limited to 14-60 years old, so she is trying to get them to make an exception.  Money is also an issue, as it is not paid for by the state.  I will keep you updated if we can fulfill this need, but in the meantime please be praying for this boy to use this brutal tragedy to change his life, and give it over to the Lord.  Only in Him, will this boy find redemption and hope for a new life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow steve, I my heart broke when reading this. I remember Paulo and Ireni telling us about the police brutality years ago. The evil that can be done to a child never cease to surprise me. Please do keep us update with what is going on with this boy and his family! Merry Christmas Friend and I pray for your protection, continued growth, and joy!

Tiffany Fogelson

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