Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Home Sweet Home

My way home was a little longer than expected. Fighting a snowstorm, and slick roads, I lost and ended up off the road with my back wheels in the ditch, stuck. I quickly got a ride into Sibley, IA. Found a guy to tow me out, cops showed up, banned our attempt, and pushed me further into the ditch, down about ten feet. I can't really explain why, there was no traffic, but I ended up having to stay in a hotel that night, and wait until 11am for the tow truck. I guess the Lord was teaching me something, after sparing my life.
Now I am safely at home, going to treatment for my back. It is a little painful, but I believe it is really going to heal me close to, if not, completely. Enjoying the time so far living with my parents, although it is a little weird to be living at home again. It's nice and peaceful.
I believe this is the strategic preparation time for me as I look forward to leaving. Away from many distractions, I can really dive into the Word, tie up loose ends, and learn some more portuguese. Keep praying for my visa, still no word on it. Just waiting some more.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Moving Home to Iowa

As many of you know, I have had serious back problems for a year and a half, with a bulging disc and a herniated disc in my lower back. I was granted the opportunity to have very much needed back treatment done, that will stretch out my back and allow my discs to heal...but the spendy procedure is 3x more expensive here in the cities. So, I am moving home to live with my parents, most likely until I leave for Brazil. So for the next six weeks I will be rehabing my back in preparation for Brazil, and the rest of my life. I will be coming up many weekends though. Please pray for this back treatment to be effective and thorough, that I may enjoy the activity of everyday life to the fullest, and not be limited even in ministry by my back problems.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Patiently Waiting

In this time of waiting, I am really learning about exactly that, waiting on the Lord. I know that the Lord's timing is perfect, as head knowledge, but it is so different to put that faith into action and wait. There is nothing more I can do about my visa except for wait.
We may have a lead through an orphanage in Sao Paulo, to supply the proper paperwork, but I'm once again waiting to hear back.
I am so anxious to finally get there and end this long period of transition. I'm excited to be involved with full-time ministry once again. In the meantime, I am still traveling quite a bit, I have stops in Chicago, New England, and Sacramento coming up in the next couple months. I am still discipling some of the boys I worked with this summer. They are now playing hoops on their freshman team, so its a lot of fun to hang with them. Please pray for Patrick and Anthony as they are seeking the Lord daily. I am still fundraising, but the biggest concern right now is my visa.
Thank you for your prayers, please keep praying.
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