Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Home Sweet Home

My way home was a little longer than expected. Fighting a snowstorm, and slick roads, I lost and ended up off the road with my back wheels in the ditch, stuck. I quickly got a ride into Sibley, IA. Found a guy to tow me out, cops showed up, banned our attempt, and pushed me further into the ditch, down about ten feet. I can't really explain why, there was no traffic, but I ended up having to stay in a hotel that night, and wait until 11am for the tow truck. I guess the Lord was teaching me something, after sparing my life.
Now I am safely at home, going to treatment for my back. It is a little painful, but I believe it is really going to heal me close to, if not, completely. Enjoying the time so far living with my parents, although it is a little weird to be living at home again. It's nice and peaceful.
I believe this is the strategic preparation time for me as I look forward to leaving. Away from many distractions, I can really dive into the Word, tie up loose ends, and learn some more portuguese. Keep praying for my visa, still no word on it. Just waiting some more.

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