Saturday, January 06, 2007

Patiently Waiting

In this time of waiting, I am really learning about exactly that, waiting on the Lord. I know that the Lord's timing is perfect, as head knowledge, but it is so different to put that faith into action and wait. There is nothing more I can do about my visa except for wait.
We may have a lead through an orphanage in Sao Paulo, to supply the proper paperwork, but I'm once again waiting to hear back.
I am so anxious to finally get there and end this long period of transition. I'm excited to be involved with full-time ministry once again. In the meantime, I am still traveling quite a bit, I have stops in Chicago, New England, and Sacramento coming up in the next couple months. I am still discipling some of the boys I worked with this summer. They are now playing hoops on their freshman team, so its a lot of fun to hang with them. Please pray for Patrick and Anthony as they are seeking the Lord daily. I am still fundraising, but the biggest concern right now is my visa.
Thank you for your prayers, please keep praying.

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