Thursday, December 24, 2009

Feliz Natal!

My quarterly newsletter/ Christmas letter is out, get it while its hot!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Happy Camping

Here are some pictures from Camp. Me and my friend Marcelo (Chocolate) had lots of fun pranking people at night, but during the day, it was all about the kids. I got to swim, play soccer, dance, sing, play dodgeball with the kids, and got to build a much stronger relationship with many of the kids that came. Something about the camp experience brings out a sense of trust and love for everyone involved. The kids call Camp California, "a little piece of heaven", its a place where they can escape the concrete walls and all the pressures that suffocate their childhood. Yuri had an amazing camp as he got the chance to escape all the drugs, fear, violence and pressures that come with that lifestyle. He got to be a kid again. And I tried to take a lot of photos of him doing just that...being a kid. Because of the drugs, you wont believe this kid is 13 by his size, but he told us that he has been off drugs for 2 weeks, since he was beat by the police so gruesomely. Praise God. We are still trying to convince some rehab centers to let him in, since he's only one year too young. I got to hang out with him quite a bit and build that relationship, we laughed a lot, played a lot, and had a great weekend. He's in the process of turning his life around, but we still need to be covering this young guy in prayer as he returns back to the favelas where his life fell apart.

Friday, December 11, 2009


This will be my first camp experience at the wonderful Camp California since 5 years ago when i was last here.  The boy I spoke of in the previous post, Yuri, is doing well, but there is still no clinics that will accept a 13 yr old.  So we invited to camp this weekend.  It will be difficult for him I'm sure, he will be without any drugs for 3 days, but we're praying for an amazing experience for God to really open up his heart and change his life.  He asked me if I was going before he said yes to the invite.  So it made it clear to me that he's starting to trust me, and I hope to build on that this weekend.  I'll be sure to post plenty of pictures and updates after camp. Check back on Sunday evening or Monday.  Much love to all, I thank you in advance for your prayers for all the kids, but especially Yuri.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Police Brutality!

We all remember the Rodney King beating, and the aftermath.  4 police officers, 1 man.  Swinging clubs over and over while the man finally cowered on the ground.  Now imagine that man, being an undersized boy that turned 13 two weeks ago.  Now imagine the police using stun guns, sending high voltage of electric shock through the boys rib cages, numerous times.  Sadly, this is the reality for the boy that I had spoke of in a previous post.  The boy that has been strung out on drugs since he was 11, skimming off the top while delivering drugs.  He is not innocent in this situation, as the police found him at 2 a.m. in a different favela about an hour walk away from his home.  There is no question he was getting into trouble, but there is no reason on this earth for the police to beat a child.

I had a chance to see him last week randomly on the street.  My co-workers were getting a ice cream treat, and as I remembered he had his birthday the previous week, I ordered him a treat.  I believe that this was a God-arranged appointment to see him wandering the streets away from his favela.

This week during our home visits, it was a much more somber encounter.  Even after 4 days of recovery, he was in bad shape.  We walked in and he was curled up on the couch, his hand wrapped in a bandage and his face black and blue.  The doctors told his mom that he almost died from the electric shock in combination with the numerous blows to the head.  His mom told us his forehead was swollen like bananas were tucked into his skin, and one eye was swollen shut.  Glory to God, he survived and he is recovering nicely.  The best part is that he told his mom he wants to get help for his drug addiction and change his life around.  The recovery center is a Christian center, but is limited to 14-60 years old, so she is trying to get them to make an exception.  Money is also an issue, as it is not paid for by the state.  I will keep you updated if we can fulfill this need, but in the meantime please be praying for this boy to use this brutal tragedy to change his life, and give it over to the Lord.  Only in Him, will this boy find redemption and hope for a new life.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Not All is Gloomy

After I wrote the post yesterday, I decided that I need to make it clear that there is positive things we are seeing.  We are seeing kids find joy in Christ, and lives transformed.  Here is a movie that depicts some of the smiles we have been blessed by in our ministry.  Enjoy!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Grim State of One Favela

As we did our home visits in one favela (slum) this week, we came across some horrible situations.  This is not pretty, and I will try and use innocent enough language, but I do not suggest that any children read this.  The truth needs to be known, and specific prayers are needed to come against the darkness that we encountered today.  

Some of the teens that had been coming to the past few events were the subjects of a police manhunt one afternoon this week.  They allegedly stole a motorcycle last week, and most likely at gunpoint.  They were not found as they hid until dark inside the favela.  It is much too dangerous for the police to enter a favela after nightfall.  While this breaks our heart, we are preparing to receive them in grace and yet somehow express our disappointment with their actions.  Only a few weeks ago, we saw a whole group of them raise their hands for prayer at the end of the message.  Please pray for wisdom for us in this situation, we dont know who exactly is responsible and what exactly happened, and we really dont want to assume.  But we dont want to be blind and naive from the truth either.  The most important thing is that we continue to show Christ's love for them as people and come alongside of them on a road of transformation in Christ.

This week I met a family of seven kids.  Five are living happy childhoods it seems, but one is still crawling, not talking, and wearing diapers at 5 years old.  Her 12-year old brother will be celebrating his 13th tomorrow strung out on drugs.  He told me with glazed over eyes and a smug smile that he's been using since he was 11.  I got to pray for this young guy, but I can only hope that the Lord translated for his heart to hear, and that the Lord will continue to give me a chance to minister to this young guy.  

The ugliest thing we encountered was the information that one house is basically acting as a brothel for 4, 5 and 6 year old girl and boys.  Adults are just being entertained as they lure the kids in to do the unthinkable.  I'm sorry that is so horrible to hear and to read, but it is the truth.  Please pray that Lord will break the hearts of these people and they will repent.  Please pray that the Lord will restore these poor children, who know not what they do.  

The Lord has always been in the business of making things new.  Restoring, Redeeming, and Renewing is a constant theme in the Word.  Please pray that this community will experience a radical renewal as they see the glory of God, and no longer can deny their maker's love.  Pray that we can be the beacons of light into this dark place, and demonstrate God's love, God's peace, and God's grace for these people. Pray that we will not see these people for what they do, but for who they are, creations of our Lord, We have HOPE that Christ will one day reign in this favela.  

Monday, November 09, 2009

Get to Know 'Em

I just want to introduce to you my team that I work with everyday.  These are not all the staff and volunteers of the church, rather this is the Restoration Ministries "Agita" Team.  The team that runs the VBS program in the slums every day of the week.  Please take some time, read the blurbs about each and then pray for them.  There is a lot of things trying to get in the way of our ministry, so we just need you to be praying for strength, encouragement, perseverance, energy, and love.  That we may be able to serve as one unit to impact the favelas for Christ.  Pray that we will be a light in the darkness, the voice of God, and the vessels in which the Lord brings His love, His peace, and His hope to the children and families in the favelas.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Now In Heaven

Almost a month ago, we celebrated Children's Day.  I wrote about a 5-year old girl, Raphaelly, who was battling a rare type of leukemia.  She is the niece of one of my bosses, Tati, and the granddaughter of a lady that I work with everyday in the field, Adesia and her husband Carlinhos, an elder in the church.
Today, just as we were about to start our second session of "Agita" (like VBS), a friend of Adesia's came and let her know that Rapha was now with Jesus.  From what I understand, she was sent back to the ICU with water in her lungs on Friday, and today after her courageous fight, the Lord called her home.
Here's an excerpt from my journal today recalling the only time I met her, at the Children's Day Fiesta:
I only met her once, but that was plenty for her to make a lasting impression.  Her entrance was as grand as her smile as she clutched her grandmother's hand and walked down the aisle.  Lined with balloons, flowers, and people crying as they cheered her on, it was as if the aisle was just made for her.  In the few hours she was there, you'd be hard-pressed to find her without her glowing smile brightening the room, even peeking out of her pacifier at times.  Ear to ear her smile shouted joy that only Christ could give.  Amidst her years of suffering and crying, she understood that this was her day, given by God himself, and she took full advantage.
She will never see another children's day, but we are the one's that are losing out, because today she is rejoicing with the angels.  No more suffering, no more tears, no more pain.  She is seeing Jesus face to face, and she now knows the joy and the peace and the love we all long for.  Rest In Peace Raphaelly, we cant wait to see that beautiful smile again.
Please be praying for her family, she was her grandparents only granddaughter, her aunt's only niece, and her parents only child.

Monday, October 12, 2009

One Month Under My Belt

I have been here for one month already, sometimes it seems like more, sometimes less. Overall, my time here has been wonderful. I have made some great friends, the church is very young because of its focus on children's ministry, so there is a plethora of young guys my age and they are a very tight knit group. Italia (pictured below) is a guy that I met 5 years ago when I was here.  He's become my closest friend here and a huge encouragement to me on a daily basis. The ministry is very much the same as I remember from five years ago, yet more developed. The family that I live with is hilarious and very hospitable, and the two guys my age both speak very good English. Speaking of English, I am able to talk to a few staff members in English just enough to figure out what's going on, and my Portuguese is coming along quite nicely. Definitely still a barrier, and its obviously frustrating at times, but I feel like I am improving every day.
Communicating with people back home has been a blessing thus far. I have been able to talk with Kristy more than expected, although the internet here is very spotty which makes communication very frustrating at times. My parents are close to becoming experts of webcams and skype. I got to watch the Twins make the playoffs on TV here, while being on skype with my dad and cheering with him. I even got to watch the Vikings-Packers game with all my closest friends back home via skype. It was telecast here on ESPNBrasil, but announced in Portuguese, so during commercials I would get to visit with my friends about how bad the Vikings were killing the Pack...sorry Lance.
The Lord has for sure blessed me in my time here, and besides missing a certain someone lots, I have made a near seamless transition into Brasilian culture. They love to joke with people, they love to laugh, and they are very carefree (especially with time). Probably the most difficult thing has been trying to curb my desire to always be efficient, and waiting on people everyday for one reason or another.
Thank you for your prayers, they are very much needed as I continue to minister here in Brasil. There is definitely a battle being waged to make my time here a failure, please come beside me in prayer.
Love to all, Steve

Children's Day Fiesta

We had 420 children bussed to the Day Center on Saturday for our annual Children's Day Celebration.  About 80 volunteers in all showed up to help with the days events, including a Chinese-Brasilian Church that lent a helping hand by sending 45 volunteers and supplying all the end of the day prizes for each child.  The children had their own special "red carpet" type of an entrance into the church and they rarely were caught without a smile on their face.  We had two separate sessions for the kids that came from 5 different favelas.  First they enjoyed a program, much like our regular program during the week, Agita.  They dance, sing worship songs, play games, watch a skit and listen to the message at the end.  After the program, they were split up by age group and sent to one of three stations:  Lunch, which consisted of 2 brasilian-style hot dogs, brasilian soda called guarana, and ice cream for dessert;  Crafts was necklace and bracelet making.  While the girls went fashionable with colors, the boys strictly stuck to their favorite soccer team's colors;  Games was outside with a trampoline, fooseball, a game like fooseball that I've never seen before, a ball pit, and it was highlighted by a surf machine (which is much like a mechanical bull)...the kids loved it!

*One special note is that Raphaelly is a little girl you will see in these pictures a few times.  She is the grand-daugther and niece of two of our staff members.  She has a rare type of lukemia, and a week and a half ago things were very scary as she was in the ICU for about a week.  A few days ago she was transferred to a regular hospital room after her body's reaction to the treatment improved.  She was allowed to leave the hospital for a few hours to come celebrate her day with the other kids!  God is so Good!  Please be in prayer for her.  If you want to read more about her story and latest updates, you can find it at Restoration Ministries' blog:

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Please Pray for Children's Day

This Saturday, October 10, there will be somewhere between 400-500 children filling our Main Day Center to celebrate Children's Day.  Like our Mother's Day and Father's Day, Brazil has a holiday to celebrate children.  Restoration Ministries takes full advantage of this day with an annual party for the children they minister to year-round.  This year there will be great food and games, including a surf machine in the parking lot.  Also, it became apparent that I will be volunteered for every embarrassing thing until I learn Portuguese enough to know what exactly is going on in our staff meetings.  I am going to be playing the part of Sampson in the skit, and its going to be goofy, and I have to learn my lines in Portuguese of course.  Please be in prayer that through the fun, excitement and the laughter (at me playing the part of Sampson) that these children will feel the love of Christ and the Lord will speak to them through the Gospel presentation.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Teen Night Extravaganza!!!

Every other Saturday night, teens from the five different favelas come together to fellowship, play some games, hear a message, sing some worship songs, dance and of course eat. This past Saturday, ice cream was the big menu item, and it pulled in the biggest crowd yet, 68 teenagers. One of the leaders started a series based on Rick Warren's book, "Purpose Driven Life". It was a cool message for a lot of these teenagers to hear that they are not an accident, they were created by God for a purpose. You can click on this link to see some more pictures:

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My First Day in São Paulo

I arrived at midnight on Sunday and was greeted by two of the leaders of Restoration Ministry. I will be living with Wellington, the worship Pastor, and his son Victor, who is 11 years old. We stopped at Habibs on the way back from the airport and scarfed down some mini pizzas before our 3am bedtime. It turned out to be more of a nap time, because Wellington woke me at 7:30am to go pick up the founder of the ministry, Paulo, and the President of WorldVenture, Hans Finzel from the airport. It was quite a treat to have Hans come to visit Restoration Ministries the first day that I was here.
Speaking of treats, after the RM staff meeting where I met the other staff members, we all went to Boi Brasil...a Brazilian Steakhouse. In case you dont know about these, you eat all the perfectly cooked steak you want, as servers bring around 1 of 20 different cuts of beef, lamb, chicken and pork. It was sooo good! In Minneapolis Kristy has taken me to a Brazilian steakhouse where it costs $45 dollars per person, but in Brazil it only costed about $10 per person. I could not have asked for a better first lunch.
Speaking portuguese has come pretty naturally for me, much better than I anticipated. Everyone seems to be mildly impressed with my language skills, but I still have a long way to go.
I did not arrive at home until 8:30pm, so it was a great but long day.

Flight Complications

Sorry to everyone who has not received my email yet of my update letter. Things were extremely busy for me as I had to move out of my house and pack for an entire year before I left this past Saturday.
My flight was cancelled on Saturday night in Chicago, so I had to wait an extra 14 hours to arrive in Brazil. The airlines put me up in a Crowne Plaza with a sleep number bed and a 40-inch flatscreen TV, so I couldnt complain about one more night of luxury and rest. It was actually really nice to have more downtime for prayer as I prepared for Brazil.
The 10 1/2 hour flight was really long, but it was good other than having the bathroom door opened at an inconvenient time. I was not quite finished in the lavatory when someone was not satisfied by the red occupied sign or the door being locked. So after nudging the door a couple times, all the sudden he hit the door so hard that the lock released and he saw me half naked. But that wasnt good enough either because he did it again after I quickly slammed the door shut and shouted WHOOOOAAAA! Good times on United Airlines.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

One more try!

Coming up in June will be my 3rd year of being an appointed missionary without going to the field that I feel the Lord is leading me to. For the last year and a half, I have been working extremely hard and using my resources to come up with the necessary paperwork to apply for a Brazilian 2-year visa once again. On April 21, my application was submitted to the Brazilian Consulate of Chicago. I received notice yesterday, that my application was complete and in order, so they would pass it on to the Brazilian government for the final review. I will be accepted or rejected between June 11 and June 26, so please be in prayer for the process and mostly for my state of mind. I trust that the Lord will either be opening this door or finally closing it for good for this chapter of my life. I will update you when I receive the news. Thanks for all your support and patience with me in this process.
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