Monday, September 17, 2007

Denied Again! Back to the Prayer Room

About two weeks ago I was officially denied again by the Brazilian Government...the third time for those of who keeping score. This time the denial was for expired documents (although those exact papers worked for the lady applying at the same time as me), and because they want to see more substantial documentation of my youth experience credentials such as a teaching degree (never before was this stated as a recommendation or requirement).
So this may take some time to provide such documentation. I am currently working on getting my substitute teaching license, as well as other recommendation letters and child related professional certificates. The most important thing for me right now is be covered in prayer by all of you. At times it has been a struggle to get ready to go, and then let down again. Its been an emotional struggle and a spiritual battle that I have and will continue to need a lot of prayer for. I am still confident that the Lord is leading me to Brazil, and that this is His perfect plan and timing.
So I will continue to prepare myself without knowing when I will get to GO, but I need to be filled by the Lord with strength, endurance, peace, joy, and love. Pray that I will continue to keep my eyes fixed on Him in these hard times of uncertainty, and depend on Him to be my everything. Pray for me please!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Sporting a Boot!

MRI results showed that my ankle isn't bad enough for surgery, but still hasn't healed for 5 months, and the doctor put me in a walking boot....for a month. So although I do not have an update of when I will leave, the earliest will be at the end of September. In the meantime, me and my boot just keep being the object of stranger's preoccupation, as they shamelessly stare.

Friday, August 10, 2007

MRI Scheduled

It has been 4 1/2 months since I sprained my ankle, and due to insurance complications, I had my first appointment with an orthopedic surgeon today. He took x-rays and decided that I need an MRI to look closer at a possible fracture and bone chip in my ankle. Please be praying over the next week and a half for my ankle, and for wisdom for the doctors. Thank you.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Brother Chad...Married!

My brother is officially taken. He exchanged vows with Emily Voth on August 3rd. It was a glorious occasion, and I was so blessed to be the best man. What a beautiful wedding, and we were all captivated by such a beautiful bride. God bless you Chad and Emily Thompson, as you move to Iowa and start your new lives together.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Documents Re-Submitted!

Thank you all for your continual prayers and words of encouragement. It has been quite a process to get the documents necessary to re-apply for this 2-year visa, but it may finally be over. I overnighted the additional documents to the agent who has been helping me through this whole process, and she submitted it to the Brazilian Consulate once again on Friday 7/20.
Please pray for God's provision over these documents and the rest of the visa application process, which is entirely out of my hands now. It is up to the Brazilian government...but more importantly its up to God. Please continue to pray, as it may take anywhere from 2-3 months (hopefully 2). I am fully supported financially, and so all I am waiting on officially is this visa.
I'll keep you updated on the process as I find out more information.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Good news from here in Minnesota. I am now a fully financially supported missionary. Thank you all partners with me in this ministry. My visa application should be re-submitted by next week and then I will have a better guesstimate of when I shall receive my visa if all goes well. I hope this is the last hiccup in the visa process... Please pray. My new job is going well, as I am learning much about all the retirement plans that are available. Its a little different training to work in the corporate world, and I know I am not made to do it, but I am still succeeding thus far, and enjoying the challenge. The ministry that I helped start last summer is starting up this monday, and I will be volunteering nearly everyday as soon as my schedule changes after training. Please pray for that ministry that I am still heavily involved with.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

So Close

With the status of my visa still very much up in the air, it has been encouraging to receive more support. After the last little wave of support, my financial budget stands at 99% committed. I only need $15 more a month to be a fully supported missionary. Thank you to all who have generously given to this ministry, I promise to be a good steward of the finances you have entrusted to me.

If you would like to join this ministry financially please follow the link to WorldVenture's "Support a Missionary" page. If you need any assistance please email me at

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Photography -N- Paparazzi

Well after my last experience with a camera, being the paparazzi with my buddy josh, Chad let me have a more controlled environment and I took his engagement photos. Here's some pictures of both.

The past few years I've dabbled with photography in my various ministries. And I think its so cool how pictures identify stories, and how they tug at our heart strings on a different level than words. So until I leave for Brazil, I will be bringing you pictures of some of the kids I've worked with here in the twin cities, along with their stories and how you can pray for them. When I'm in Brazil, I will bring you stories of the kids there. So come back periodically to learn and pray for these kids.

Friday, May 11, 2007

New Soon To Be Sister!

Exciting news from the family... my brother, Chad, is engaged to be married to Emily Voth. I had the privilege of witnessing the event, undercover, as the paparazzi. He proposed last night(5/10) on a sunset gondola ride on the St. Croix River, and to all of our surprise she said YES! Okay, maybe it wasn't such a big surprise afterall.
Their wedding date will most likely be August 4th, 2007- just 12 weeks from now. So now my missions departure date is delayed again until after their wedding, which will be a joyous celebration. The visa situation is still up in the air, so please be praying that I will be able to leave soon after their wedding.


Monday, April 30, 2007

Another Delay

I thought I had cleared my last hurdle and jumped through the last hoop. However, the Brazilian Consulate has created another one, that will delay my departure until at least July. So more waiting. I know that the Lord has this in His control, and He is continually working on me, preparing me more, as He draws me closer to Him. I am reading through the book "Celebration of Discipline", and it has been so encouraging and uplifting to me as I seek to be more intimate with Christ.
In the meantime, praise the Lord for my ministry here in the Twin Cities. One of the young men I disciple, is really growing in the Lord, and his hunger for God is contagious. Please continue to pray that I will find work soon, and that my ministry here will continue to be fruitful. Thank you for your prayers.

Oh and my ankle is making progress everyday it seems. Thanks for praying.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Hobbling and Waiting

As I wait, I hobble. 2 weeks ago I played in a basketball tournament with my cousins and brother. With five minutes to go in the game, I tried to play as if I wasn't significantly shorter than everybody else, went in for a rebound, came down on somebody's foot, and down I went. I had a 3rd degree sprain on my left ankle, with partially torn ligaments. After being on crutches for a week and a half, I am finally walking with a limp. But I can't walk very far or stand very long, so the occassional crutch around mall of america, and use the motorized scooter at the grocery store provide my friends with great entertainment. Please pray for the continual healing of my ankle, which could take several months before I am completely healed.

The End and the Beginning of the Long Wait

The long wait for my documents to in hand and in order to apply for my visa, is over. Complication after complication, months after anticipated my visa application was finally submitted this morning to the Brazilian Consulate of Chicago. Now, I just have to wait for my visa, and a little more support and I can finally start my ministry in Brazil. Please be in prayer for the visa process to be succesful and speedy. There is no guarantee that my visa application will be approved, or that it will be here in less than a few months. As much as it seems that my life is resting in the hands of the Brazilian officials, I know that my life solely rests in the hands of the Lord. So I will continue to wait on the Lord, and prepare faithfully for my service.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Bowling Fundraiser Success!

A good friend of mine from my church in Minneapolis, Sanctuary Covenant Church, took it upon himself to organize a Scotch Doubles Bowling Tournament for a fundraiser for my ministry. It turned into a great night of fellowship for the thirty people that came, and God opened up their hearts as well as their resources to bless me. The event raised almost $700 dollars. Praise be to God as He continues to bless me through many different means. I am still waiting for the documents from Brazil, so that I can apply for my visa. My target date may be April or possibly even May now. Please pray for the Lord to continue to prepare me and give me a peace that this is His perfect plan.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Home Sweet Home

My way home was a little longer than expected. Fighting a snowstorm, and slick roads, I lost and ended up off the road with my back wheels in the ditch, stuck. I quickly got a ride into Sibley, IA. Found a guy to tow me out, cops showed up, banned our attempt, and pushed me further into the ditch, down about ten feet. I can't really explain why, there was no traffic, but I ended up having to stay in a hotel that night, and wait until 11am for the tow truck. I guess the Lord was teaching me something, after sparing my life.
Now I am safely at home, going to treatment for my back. It is a little painful, but I believe it is really going to heal me close to, if not, completely. Enjoying the time so far living with my parents, although it is a little weird to be living at home again. It's nice and peaceful.
I believe this is the strategic preparation time for me as I look forward to leaving. Away from many distractions, I can really dive into the Word, tie up loose ends, and learn some more portuguese. Keep praying for my visa, still no word on it. Just waiting some more.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Moving Home to Iowa

As many of you know, I have had serious back problems for a year and a half, with a bulging disc and a herniated disc in my lower back. I was granted the opportunity to have very much needed back treatment done, that will stretch out my back and allow my discs to heal...but the spendy procedure is 3x more expensive here in the cities. So, I am moving home to live with my parents, most likely until I leave for Brazil. So for the next six weeks I will be rehabing my back in preparation for Brazil, and the rest of my life. I will be coming up many weekends though. Please pray for this back treatment to be effective and thorough, that I may enjoy the activity of everyday life to the fullest, and not be limited even in ministry by my back problems.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Patiently Waiting

In this time of waiting, I am really learning about exactly that, waiting on the Lord. I know that the Lord's timing is perfect, as head knowledge, but it is so different to put that faith into action and wait. There is nothing more I can do about my visa except for wait.
We may have a lead through an orphanage in Sao Paulo, to supply the proper paperwork, but I'm once again waiting to hear back.
I am so anxious to finally get there and end this long period of transition. I'm excited to be involved with full-time ministry once again. In the meantime, I am still traveling quite a bit, I have stops in Chicago, New England, and Sacramento coming up in the next couple months. I am still discipling some of the boys I worked with this summer. They are now playing hoops on their freshman team, so its a lot of fun to hang with them. Please pray for Patrick and Anthony as they are seeking the Lord daily. I am still fundraising, but the biggest concern right now is my visa.
Thank you for your prayers, please keep praying.
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